
Saturday, April 1, 2017

General Conference April Saturday 2017

So today was the first day of General Conference and here are a bunch of quotes from my notes and twitter retweets.
the LDS general conference Saturday morning session
"Even in the most difficult and darkest of times, there is light and goodness all around us." - Mark A Bragg
"We can find comfort in our savior, because he he suffered as well" -Weatherford T. Clayton
"Heavenly Father's commandments are his care package" - M. Joseph Brough
"A repenting sinner draws closer to God than does the self-righteous person who condemns that sinner." - Dale G Renlund 
"Families are the basic unit of the heavenly realm" - Henry B. Eyring
the LDS general conference Saturday Afternoon session
"we're all called to be disciples of the savior" - Robert D Hales 
"take the name of the savior and follow him" - Robert D Hales 
“The loss of even one voice diminishes every other singer in this great mortal choir of ours.” - Jeffrey R. Holland
"Believe in yourself, and believe in Him." - Jeffrey R. Holland
"We may need to let go of the world so we can hang on to eternity." - Gary B. Sabin
"Overcoming the world is not one defining moment in a lifetime, but a lifetime of moments that define an eternity." - Neil L Andersen
"short term goals are only effective if they lead to long term goals" -M. Russell Ballard

the LDS general conference Priesthood session
When we walk the path of the priesthood Jesus goes with us, as it is his right, his way - Henry B. Eyring
He who is greatest among you will be your servant - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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